Meet the Team: Walt

Meet Walt, Minidoka National Historic Site’s newest team member! Walt has a background in manufacturing, production, and distribution and moved from Pennsylvania to Boise in 2000 to work for a company as their machinist. In 2018, he moved to Hagerman and worked in remodeling, property management, and industrial maintenance. Wanting to explore something different, Walt applied for the maintenance position with Minidoka National Historic Site and was amazed and fascinated by Minidoka’s history, having not known much about it before interviewing for the position.

When Walt is not working, he enjoys Idaho’s beautiful outdoors and recreation, including hunting, fishing, kayaking, and camping. He also enjoys caring for his large yard in Hagerman.

Walt adds, “I look forward to contributing to what so many have already accomplished here!  Stepping into a position with such well-rounded co-workers and private individuals, like the Friends of Minidoka, is exciting to me.  It'll be a challenge but a fun and rewarding challenge.”

Welcome, Walt, and thank you for all you do to care for Minidoka and preserve the site and its history!


Peek in the Park: Gardens at Minidoka


Spirited Stone: Lessons from Kubota’s Garden